Yep, the days just keep rolling by and Katie has still not had another seizure. This is a real relief because we finally had to treat her with an anti-flea/tic/heartworm med and in the past some of those have been linked to seizures within a couple of days of treatment.
This time, the vet suggested a new product called Revolution. it is a spot applied Flea, tick and heatworm preventative. We put off trying it until the cold weather started making Katie a parasite magnet. So far, it has worked and is still working as we do occasionally see a dead flea on her. But best of all, it has not triggered a seizure.
Her ears are also doing great. This is the longest period that she has gone without daily scratching at her ears since we got her nearly 4 years ago. The skin in her ears now looks smooth and white and not inflamed and they don’t smell bad anymore. This is really great news for us all.
A recent grooming got her trimmed out for the holidays and she is always a happy little girl.
On a little more somber note, The beautiful Smudge of the Wandering Sylville blog, finally went home after 14 years. She is missed by all who even just knew of her. Happy trails, Smudge.